Importance of Content in Search Engine Optimization

  Most people who know about internet marketing and know about search engine optimization would agree that content is king—but why? What is the real importance of content in search engine optimization and why are so many internet marketers shifting from times of writing poor quality content to creating interactive content that really is king? What makes content so important? In SEO, content is the primary avenue that a company, blog, website or business owner has to reach others online. Today’s content structure is nothing like it was ten years ago. In fact, content online today is not much like it even was five years ago—this is because Google, and other search engines, have made continuous algorhythm updates to ensure that only the best content makes it to the top of the search results. Content today is of vital importance, more than it ever was before. In an environment where social sharing, social media and increased internet presence can happen virtually overnight in some cases, and where bad news can travel great lengths in mere seconds, content is the number one source for businesses to reach out to others and to make an impression. To the search engines, content is what makes a website what it is and it’s what proves that there is a viable need for a particular item, product or service. Content is everywhere in search engine optimization. It’s on page copy that tells what a webpage is, it’s off page copy such as Page Titles and Meta Descriptions which are used in the SERPs, it’s sharable photos and videos which allow users to interact—it really is everything online! Content is one of the most important aspects of search engine optimization and it can easily bring a website to the top of the SERPs or it can quickly push a site to the back of the search results. Compelling content will be shared by users and will help users to engage and interact within a site. Likewise, content that is not appreciated or liked can quickly be dissed online and these remarks can travel quickly throughout the internet to create a poor image for a company, blog, business or an individual. Every single piece of content that is incorporated into an overall SEO plan should be considered in lengthy detail as to how it will promote user engagement, what users will think of it and how it could affect the bottom line. SEO has been an integral part of the internet for many years but the landscape has consistently changed along the way. Quality wasn’t always as important as it is today, but in a post Penguin world where every new update revolves around providing the end user with what he or she is searching for, SEO has quickly changed from a code and numbers game to a content game all the way. Each piece of content that is shared online has the potential to go viral—will your next content piece go viral in a good way? Or a bad way?

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